Saturday, March 14, 2009

Whole Lotta Scouting Goin' On

Our weekends (and weekdays for that matter) have been so busy. I'm just catching up on posting the fun stuff that's been going on around here. Here are some recent Scout pics:

The Blue & Gold ceremony includes a family dinner, skits performed by the boys, a table decorating contest and recent awards for the Scouts by the Cubmaster. It's fun to see the show and cheer for the boys. They are learning great skills.

We ended the last week of cookie sales with a booth at one of our local grocery stores. When the girls got antsy (we were there for three hours) we played Chinese jump rope to get the wiggles out. I think our customers actually enjoyed seeing that just as much as our (almost) polished sales pitch. Much of Girl Scouting is learning to have fun, after all.

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